Hello! Antonio Asshole…

Haven't see you for a while, how have you been?
(Please convey my regards to your niece and girlfriend!)
I really miss you!
I always want to email to you, but just something keep me busy to do that~

By the way, how's your experiment? Is everything OK?
I believe that you have the ability to be equal to your work, because I regard you as the best. Cheer up!
Please don’t bullshit your boss again!!!!

I got your gift yesterday!
Oh my god…
You know, when I opened it, I was surprised!
I thought you forget it before!
I was so sorry but I have to tell you I am so happy to get it which is so impressed!

You will make me cry again, asshole!!!!

Do you know I will become a real backpacker!!!
In this end of year I will go to Japan six days from 12/30~1/4.
I will go to eat real fugu in Japan!!
Don’t be too envious of me!
I also will go to Italy in 2/13~2/21 next year. (but with my family)
I plan to go to Spain to see you when I finish the traveling in Italy but I also have some problems!
I will tell you my schedule!
You should prepare to welcome me!
Don’t forget it!!

The day of Christmas will come soon and I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Ps: You forgot the postcards… @@"

Hello asshole backpacker!!! I totally hate you because you will be able to eat real fugu without me!!! If it is really delicious just don't tell me because I would be really really really jealous.

I told everyone that the best restaurant of my life is in Taipei. I wish that sushi place in taipei101 was in Madrid, it was so amazing (I still remember that you eat more than 50 sushis), but if you go to Japan I am sure that you will try even more incredible things. Isn't it great to be a backpacker???

You see how I did not forget to send you something??? I was just waiting to make the surprise even bigger. Ok, there was no postcard on it but I wanted to do something really special.

By the way, today is the best day in my scientific life. This morning when I entered the lab my boss told me that our article was ACCEPTED for publication in MCB we could not believe it after so much work and suffering. In one week if you search in Pubmed for Herrador et al you will see me!!

Well, asshole now you have to see the movie, I hope you like it, and also it will be good for practicing your English (nevertheless, in your message I see that your English keeps improving)

Keep me informed about everything and enjoy the fugu (but not too much or I will kill you!!)

Many greetings my asshole friend, and please, send many kisses to the people in the lab. I dont know if you are still with doctor Chen (my other friend) but if you see Tin, xian-ling, bear, ray and all the rest tell them that I miss Taiwan and all of them a lot (specially doctor Chen, hehe)

Waiting for more news....

                                                                                                           Antonio (the ping-pong master)
謝啦! Antonio...
還有電影看完我會再寫心得報告給你的...(也不知道聽得懂嗎 )

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